I cannot apologize enough for my absence but a lot has been going on. I went away to paradise for a week; and it was lovely, thank you. And I moved to my own personal paradise; and it’s fantastic, thank you.
I feel in fairness, I, at the very least, owe you a catch up-in picture form- before I get back to being the Bianca that you know and love. Read: cussing and bitching about life.

Paradise was great; turns out it was exactly what I needed to rehabilitate my spirit and zest for life.
The Neighb'

My new neighborhood is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Walking trails, tennis courts (yes!) and beautiful trees; I cannot wait to live it up this summer.
Room pictures to come...soon-ish.
That's all there is, abscense explained.
Cheers! It's great to be back.