Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I say it every year, “This year is going to be the year I get my shit together". But I really feel that this year, really is the year. I have grown so tired of being broke, feeling defeated and just the general “my life sucks” sentiments.

Every New Year when the clock strikes twelve and we bid adieu to the year past and say bonjour to the upcoming 365, I vow to myself that I am going to change my life and be the person I have envisioned. I write elaborate goals, set a strict budget, start exercising and eating clean and open my crisp new day planner and vow to fill it with important appointments, which I, again, vow to keep. But, by Feb 1st, my appointment book is empty or underused, my fridge is full of junk and my bank account is (still) empty.

These resolution revelations have me thinking a lot lately about my goals for next year and the whole idea of resolutions. Resolutions are easy. It is so easy to get caught up in the hullabaloo of the upcoming year, with the noisemakers, champagne toasts and midnight kisses. It is no wonder I get carried with that elation and vow to change the world, or my life, completely. Resolutions ARE easy, I mean, everyone and their dog makes resolutions; but, real life changes are rather hard; I say this from years of experience making empty resolutions. When the champagne is drunk and the noisemakers have gone quiet, that’s when the real work begins.

I have already carefully crafted my intentions for the following year, but I am firm on the fact that they are NOT resolutions. I am done with resolutions, they are only there to make the gyms and therapists money, they are the perfect way to be set up for failure and disappointment; and, failure and disappointment are SOOOO last year. So I say FUCK THEM”, they are motherfuckers and they deserve to be eradicated from everyone’s vocabulary and thoughts. Resolutions act out hate crimes on people’s dreams; and, I am, personally, leaving all that bullshit behind, and I think you should follow suit.

This year I will be a writer, I will be a full time caterer and most important of all intentions, I will make myself proud.

This year IS going to be my year; and, I cannot fucking wait.

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