Sunday, January 3, 2010


I want to write a book, which is something I have stated many times before. The book I wanted to write was a cookbook and although I am slowly building an online recipe diary of my own that I am very proud of, the book that I think I NEED to write is about something that I know a great deal about…Jobs.

I must admit, I am a bit of a job whore; I have had 27, yes 27 jobs, in the 8 years I have been in the work force. I tend to job glamorize; as a chubby teen, I got a job as a weight management counselor at Herbal Magic, thinking that being around weight loss would help me drop some pounds. It didn’t. I got a job as a show home hostess, with the aspiration to get into real estate, the bottom fell way out of that read: economic crisis. I worked at Booster Juice, twice, the second time I left for my lunch break and did not return. I even worked as a shoe sales girl, but touching people’s feet and running my ass for shoes, lost its glamour after day 2. And that is just scratching the surface.

So although I know about food and I am greatly impassioned by it, I think it is absolutely hilarious and a bit necessary for me to go back and retell how this job whore came to be. Obviously I know that I must have some deep seeded entitlement issues; and, I am comfortable saying that, but there has got to be more to it. And I think that forcing myself to go back and think about it, the “more to it” will reveal itself; and, it will be a howl for anyone who reads it. Because let’s be honest 27 jobs is laughable; and, making people laugh has always been my strong suit.

So I am starting this book today; hopefully I will finish it in the year 2010, before I amass anymore failed employment.

